Saturday, October 24, 2009


I'm not going to say where this was from but you can find it on Google if you look hard enough.

Newspapers verify the sender of letters before they are run, if you didn't know, and it's on their site.  I'm calling this a total confirmed. I also find confirmed, through this celebritor, that MiCHAEL BAY is indeed an "egomanical hack" (despite my moments of SQUEE! every time THE ACTUAL VOiCE ACTOR FROM THE 1980S CARTOON SPOKE AS OPTiMUS PRiME).

OK, from this point forward (maybe) I'm going to stop making fun of that guy's love of the lowercase i when writing in all caps. It's starting to annoy me even more just by doing it.

To the Editor:

The [NEWSPAPER]'s movie critic, [THE CRITIC], seems to be woefully out of touch with pop culture.

The "Transformers" movie's $155 million seven-day haul is the biggest non-sequel opening in box office history. Numbers like that usually mean positive word of mouth on the film is huge, and people are going back.

A friend of mine, Steven Spielberg -- he’s pretty smart about film -- said [THE CRITIC]'s review was idiotic. [THE CRITIC]'s a critic who actually reviewed his dislike for the director, rather then reviewing the movie, like his job description prescribes. [THE CRITIC] talks about the director being an "egomaniacal hack."  Well I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure of meeting [THE CRITIC], though it sounds like he knows me. If [THE CRITIC] actually did know me, he would find me to be a pretty down-to-earth, nice guy.

I implore the editor to give [THE CRITIC] a little relaxation and sunshine, clear his head, let him rediscover that movie-going is supposed to be a fun experience.

Maybe even help him get rid of his hatred.

Michael Bay

Director of "Transformers"

Los Angeles, Ca.

Teh haterz at teh newzpaperz, y they hatin'???/?

Is anyone else picturing Jay Sherman saying "Transformers" stinks every time the phrase "THE CRITIC" appears? You're welcome.

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