Friday, October 16, 2009

letter the first

To the Editor

Is there a such thing as Voodoo, witchcraft etc. I'm a Christian (Church of Christ) and I know there is such a thing as evil Black arts. You don't Have to be afraid of it to believe it's there. there are some people who worship the devil faithfully as I Worship God. yes there are Satan followers (just like I follow Jesus). it may be your Neighbor, it may be your boss, coworkers, Some of your friends, or even a family member. there was a woman [who] met a man who was a devil worshiper. She met met him walking to the Store. In any case she took him to her church [and] he got baptized. She thought he had changed. instead of converting him, he was able to convert her. he made a necklace out of Turkey and chicken bones to keep evil away. She was not in her Right mind. his mom and sister called her N. Word and other Names. and She would sit at his house for hours his mom had a big Red Voodoo doll that he Said his mother tried to kill her with. the man and the Lady Broke up she got her mind back, and returned back to Church. She goes to church faithfully and prays daily she met a man who treats her Right and loves the lord (prays) six times a day. they pray together every morning. God Bless.

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