Friday, October 16, 2009


Hi. I am the editor of a newspaper. Like all newspapers, we get letters to the editor. We can't publish some of them because they could incite hatred, make incredibly false and defamatory statements, or are definitely things you wouldn't put in a family newspaper (although certain TV "news" organizations are pushing that envelope). Some of them are downright crazy.

This blog contains letters from my paper and others that didn't make the cut to the opinions page, delightful letters from celebrities, stories about crazy people making it into the newspaper building and other strange correspondence with our dear readers. These people wanted their letters out for the world to see and here it is.

If you have a letter to submit, send it to my name over in the sidebar, Leditor Editor (with no space),

Oh, and if you're wondering about the name Leditor Editor, it comes from when my copy editor misspoke one day.

I guess I should put some rules up, shouldn't I? To submit, send an e-mail and, if it was a handwritten gem, send a photo of that as well. If I don't run the letter you didn't run, it's nothing personal. Much like your newspaper, there is a point where I'll feel that I can't post something. Maybe. And I might get a ton of these so I'll have to make a decision on what goes when and where. I'll extract things to keep you, the letter writer and your newspaper from being identified unless it's a celebritor. I don't know what I'm going to do with spelling and minor grammar issues (e.g. changing im to I'm) yet. I love it when people capitalize nouns like it's 1774 so I'll let those stand. I'm definitely letting capitalization oddities stand. If I have to add a word for clarity, it will be put in brackets. I reserve the right to make up more rules as I go along. I aslo reserve teh right to make spelling erros myslef.

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You know the drill. You can be snarky but this is not the place to be racist, sexist, advertise your site or one simple rule for losing weight while whitening your teeth, &c. If you can't play nice, you get put in time out. Don't make me have to moderate comments.