Wednesday, October 21, 2009

letter the fourth: CAPiTAL letters

Sorry. It's a cell phone photo today. It gets the gist of this letter, though. I'm not even going type it in its style because I would go crazy. Just pretend it's (almost) all caps.

In this era, where there is a proliferation of sans serif fonts, we have a problem of where it has become obvious why there are serifs.  There are fonts where it can be hard to tell the difference between an capital I and a lowercase l. Some fonts fixed that problem by having the I dotted at all times. As far as I'm concerned, and I with a dot over it is always a lowercase I. Furthermore, if you're using all caps or the font is all caps, there should be no way that anyone would think it was an l. In general, there are few instances where one would see and I and think it's an l. Then again, there is a chance of confusing an I with a 1 but let's not get into all of this. You're here for the leditor editor.

This fellow, who sent in a letter with an obvious pseudonym, just wanted to make sure there was no mistake. He dotted every I and crossed every T. And has a splendid analogy to share. There is only one obvious paragraph break SO i AM REALLY DOiNG YOU A FAVOR BY DROPPiNG THE CAPiTAL LETTERS.


A friend of mine had a highly successful restaurant in a great location. One day he decided to bring this successful concept to an area he thought was in need of a good resturant. This neighborhood had alot of foot traffic, some buisnesses and alot of run-down resturants. He opened his rented a place and readied it for buisness. An employee noticed ants and rodents coming in around the back door. He said we have to open now and deal with that later. We must get these customers in first. The employee said we should have a security guard at our front door because this area is very rough. No we must open now.

[POSSiBLE PARAGRAPH BREAK] Well on the first day, he was robbed. The insects and rodents became so bad he had to close the 1st week. He almost lost his highly successful resturant due to borrowing funds to support this mis-adventure. And he later found out the neighborhood was run by a drug lord and he was not wanted there in the 1st place.

[POSSiBLE PARAGRAPH BREAK] This reminds me of the United States and being in Afghanistan. We have a highly successful country. We were warned about our back door being left pen for who knows what to come in. (our borders) We hurry to Afghanistan to get the Taliban while they are there. We need more troops to do it right. (security guard). The govt. will fix these problems later. Right now lets get the battle started. Our troops are being killed because we don't have enough security and this is a rough area. Remind you of something? Number 1, we better fix our back door. We also know Afghanistan supplies 95% of the world's herroin heroin heroin so we are going up against drug lords of the entire world? Finally, do they really want us there. Fix the United States 1st before it's to late. If we do this right, another 9-11 can be prevented. Track down what has come in through the back door and contain it. Make sure there's no terrorist threat.

We know where the Taliban are. Leave them there. Bring our soldiers home, then level the areas where Taliban is hiding with an arsenal of bombs that will change the terrain and geographic make-up of that area forever.

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