Tuesday, January 12, 2010

letter the thirty-seventh: more from c-money

Before we get to today's leditor, I would like to announce that we'll soon move this whole thing over to wordpress. There's content there already but I need to work on getting things the way I want them.  Just start reminding yourself to exchange "blogspot" with "wordpress" when looking for the stupidity people send newspapers. Like our resident crazy, c-money.
 Sen. Reid’s unseemly payoffs, kickbacks, and sweetheart deals
that were included to buy the votes of Democratic Senators.
part stated by GOP
The hell with the rest of the 48 States.  Is The American People in the Rest Of  The 48 States, Going To Stand For This Type Of Treatment?  Are you America
All year long, the more the American people learn about Washington Democrats’ costly government takeover of health care, the more they oppose it.  So rather than listen to the American People who they work for, they went behind closed doors with Senators they new they could buy, and sold out the American People. The Senators that did this were,  Sen. Mary Landrieu and Ben Nelson  so in there sick minds, would get them  re-elected in there states.
If such an act was done in a public firm, and only two states were given special treatment, to swing a vote that would benefit this firm; the FBI would be leading the CEO out in handcuffs.  Prosecute them and make sure they do jail time.  But not in this administration.  Its part of there every day practice to buy there Votes, especially when they understand the American People are saying NO.   Especially when they smell weak Senators and understand they can be bought.  These two Senators or any other Senators that go against there Constitutional Oat they took when they became a Senator,
" I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."
Being able to be bought and selling out America is not holding to there oath.  They should not be Senators.  They will sell there vote again, and it may not be to benefit there constituents   Later on down the road after they get re-elected, they will not care what there people want or say, for another four years.  At that time when they do not need there people in there state, the vote they sell you out for, could be going against there own state.   These people are weak, dangerous, a disgrace to our country.  Next election put someone in that has a back bone to stand up for all of America.
Voice your opinion America, don't just sit by and take this without a fight. 

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