Tuesday, November 10, 2009

letter the seventeenth: anything for love but not the varsity

When we last met NOT THE VARSITY, the e-mail had a reply along the ranges of "Do you read the friggin' newspaper?!" because, this paper apparently does cover the [SHOT!] JV football games but not extensively because ... well ... it's [SHOT!] JV football.  I'm not a sports editor and I know that no one really covers [SHOT!] JV football. I don't know where anyone would fit it in a sports section with high school, college and professional sports. I can't even think of a newspaper that covers [SHOT!] JV football at any length at all except for maybe in some agate at the bottom of a page. Additionally, that would lead to a slippery slope of having to cover every single rec league and vacant lot baseball game until the sports writers go on a rampage with a cricket bat.

Then again, covering all of the sports under the sun would probably sell more papers. ...

Anyway, here is the response to the e-mail that stated that [SHOT!] JV football is covered in some for and fashion and she would know that if she read or subscribed to the newspaper.

Evidently I did miss that last Friday, I will have to look again at the newspaper. I don't get a subscription, I buy my newspaper at the store. Why are you so curious of when I buy my newspaper, what does that matter? Where & when I receive my paper has nothing to do with the [SHOT!] JV football team. I'm just trying to get our [SHOT!] JV football some recognition as they have a pretty good year. Our boys have worked really hard and they deserve some recognition [RECOGNITION IS FINALLY SPELLED RIGHT! SOCIAL!]. I see plastered all over the paper about [NOT JUST THE VARSITY BUT OTHER VARSITY TEAMS! CHUG!] I never see anything about the [SHOT!] JV football team. I have had several fans & parents at our games wondering why our boys haven't had an article written about them.
I really appreciate you responding to all my e-mails. I will be looking forward to reading the article in Tuesday's paper.

I will be looking forward to this saga continuing. As well as some more leditors.

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