Thursday, November 26, 2009

letter the twenty-third: from new hampshire with love

So I was recovering from my food coma and work began to call me because I'm a journalist and we never truly have a day off. I decided to check our slush e-mail account to see what sick, depraved individuals were attempting to contact the newspaper on Thanksgiving.

Apparently c-money had time to spare between the turkey and the pumpkin pie and sent not one but two e-mails since midnight. This one is my favorite.

I noticed from the area code of the phone number at the bottom of the leditor that the person is either from or in New Hampshire.  New Hampshire is about nine hours away.

Other than sending these on Thanksgiving morn and them being carpet bomb letters from one of those states those horrible in geography always forget about, there isn't nothing much wrong with this leditor. I'm not jumping into the rights and wrongs of that situation (nor do I want you to in the comments section). It's just the spellign mistakes. Their so atrocious they msut be on perposs.

And what's with the peppermint design up top? I mean, I know it's the holiday season and all but geez.  I honestly couldn't figure out what the first two sentences (headline?) were trying to say on the first go.  The same can be said for the second sentence after the first properly punctuated sentence (I'm using "properly" loosely here).

I know some people have learning disabilities that cause some of the mistakes like these but damn. This looks more like a grave miscarriage of the education system than a problem beyond this person's control.  Another miscarriage was allowing someone named c-money Internet access and the contact info for seemingly every newspaper east of the Mississippi

The request for people to e-mail and/or call the White House makes me wish someone would send down some commanditors. Now those have to be entertaining.

I now return you to your regularly-scheduled overeating. As you watch the football games this weekend, remember all of the hardwork of NOT THE VARSiTY.

If you're in New Hampshire, tell c-money that leditor-slice said what up fo' shizzle.


  1. What I want to know is... what's going on with these Navy Seals? Have I missed something?

  2. Some detained fighters in Iraq were killed. Apparently it's not OK to actually kill anyone in wars anymore. Like I implied, I'm OK with the spirit of this in the opinions page but the true crime here is the massacre of English. Actually, I just can't fathom someone mangling words and sentences like that normally, especially with aspirations of a piece being widely distributed.


You know the drill. You can be snarky but this is not the place to be racist, sexist, advertise your site or one simple rule for losing weight while whitening your teeth, &c. If you can't play nice, you get put in time out. Don't make me have to moderate comments.