Monday, November 9, 2009

letter the sixteenth: too much leditor for one room

Sorry for the lateness. I had to do things like edit my newspaper. As I mentioned before, the [SHOT!] JV Football team's biggest fan sent more leditors. Lots more.

Yes, that is a rubber snake on my desk. Don't ask. Here is the next one in the now five-page drinking game series.

Hello it's me again,
Well [SHOT!] JV football team pulled off another win last night against [TEAM]. It would be really nice to see an article in the good ole [NEWSPAPER] about our [SHOT!] JV football team. It woudl be great have the players feel llike our community appreciates their hard work to be 6-3. They may not have the perfect season this year but they have done a lot better than the [OMG THE VARSITY! SOCIAL!] team has done. The [NEWSPAPER] can write articles about everyother team in the [REGION] but our [SHOT!] JV FOOTBALL team.

There was a reply attached to this one.

Did you miss the pictures and score of the JV team last Friday? I am told we have some poor pictures of the [OTHER TEAM] game but no room for tomorrow but something will be in Tuesday. When do you get your subscription delivered? Just curious.

Five bucks says this person never gets the paper. Her response comes tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I need to start reading the leditor while at home so i really can take a shot every time the JV TEAM is mentioned.


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