Tuesday, December 1, 2009

letter the twenty-fifth: wait ... drive-through waffles?! SWEET.

There was a restaurant listing without a full address and I'll be the farm on the restaurant being well-known in the area to the point that you're an idiot if you don't know where it is.

"As for the charges of racism ... ???" the contributor said.

Where on Grand River? What city,  I can see why you can only write for the [NEWSPAPER]. This is a waste of my time with your shoddy reporting, does this restaurant even exist, you are a racist pig for this irresponsible stereotyping.

[THE] Cafe It's a drive-thru on Grand River that has a more massive menu than most restaurants! Get drive-thru Belgian waffles!

How dare you offend the Belgians but now sharing where to get their waffles!  I bet you tell everyone where to get French toast. Why do you hate Belgium and the [SHOT!] JV football team so much?

You know, if this guy knows where it is on Grand River and what's on the menu and is lazy enough to get waffles from a fucking drive through, yes reading the listing WAS  a waste of his time. The restaurant probably doesn't exist anymore because you were so busy drooling with your finger up your nose to go through the drive through correctly and smashed into a wall. AND i REFUSE TO SPELL THROUGH WiTH JUST THE U.

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