Monday, December 21, 2009

"They sent it to us on wallpaper."

For some reason, my first thought was that the copy editor meant it was a screen capture from someone's desktop. Oh no. No.

This is taped to a strip of paste-in-your-grandma's-dining-room wallpaper. To quote c-money, WHY?
Is it supposed to make it look pretty?  Do they realized we aren't going to scan it in, especially after they scratched out shit in the write up? What the hell? Really.


  1. wait... wait. not only did the leditor come on a piece of tacky wallpaper that reminds me of something my mom has in her bathroom, but the leditor itself is a script/poem for a garden dedication!? please tell me whoever sent that in did not honestly expect it to be published in a paper... nor for that wallpaper strip to actually be used. i think this is my favorite one... just for the sheer nonsense.

  2. YES. A picture was attached and that was what we got to go with it. I don't know what the hell they expected us to do with it. I'm still speechless.


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